Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Series of Unfortunate Serigraphical Events

I am pretty terrible at keeping up with this. I've got some in-process images that I meant to post a while ago. Maybe I was waiting to put them up next to a picture of the finished product? Well, today is crit day and I have no product.

So, as we have all discovered, screenprinting is a long and arduous process. I harbor intensive feelings of jealousy toward those in my class who have printed without a hitch, as I have not so much as looked at a bucket of ink yet. My first coat of emulsion was super nasty, but I exposed anyway, only to make the regrettable mistake of using a rough sponge in the washout process. I scrubbed a little too hard and lost a bunch of my details... so I had to start over. My second attempt was taking 8 years to wash out, so we resorted to the power washer... which I also misused. Details were getting lost again and the power washer blew out some of my outlines. 

My screen is now coated with emulsion for the third time and awaiting another exposure. This time I'm going to try two transparencies on top of one another, and if that doesn't work I might cry. Hopefully I will have a print by today. Here's crossing my fingers.

Anyway, check out these PICTURES. So much more exciting that starting over three times.
I will try to get the images on here later, but for now, head over to the handy-dandy Flickr set I made.

Monday, March 2, 2009


After much agony, I've decided to make a damask-like pattern (see above) out of animals - particularly animals that people are afraid of or grossed out by. The idea is to manipulate the viewer's perception of something distasteful and turn it into something beautiful (I hope). I'm ont sure how I'm going to arrange them yet, but here are the first three creepy-crawlies.

I'm not sure how to fit two more colors of screen print in...